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Bliss Body Play Temple

Bliss Body Play Temple

BLISS BODY - Apr. 8 - Haus Lebenskunst (Berlin)

In Vedic teachings, the Bliss Body is described as our most expanded form of consciousness, experiencing the realm that is above and beyond the physical or mental sense of separated self.

We invite you towards awareness of this state of consciousness, where a being experiences its intrinsic connectivity to endless, abundant, ecstatic everythingness.

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Sassy & Sacred Play Temple

Sassy & Sacred Play Temple

SASSY & SACRED - Jun. 19 - Haus Lebenskunst (Berlin)

Inspired by the concept of 'Spiritually Sassy', the Sassy & Sacred theme aims to bring into permission a light and joyously playful side of sacredness. Both can be true and alive in the same moment - a deep honoring and a cheeky, self aware sassiness.

We invite you to examine these two elements and play with their co existence...

Must one be sacrificed on the altar of the other?

What would that look, feel, express itself like when both are present?

In your own human experience - where do you display sass and sacredness?

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UHU Evening

UHU Evening

UHU edition - Join us at UHU Salon for a warm and cozy evening of connection & flow and everything this gorgeous venue has to offer!

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UHU Evening

UHU Evening

UHU edition - Join us at UHU Salon for a warm and cozy evening of connection & flow and everything this gorgeous venue has to offer!

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Slow Sattva Play Temple

Slow Sattva Play Temple

SLOW SATTVA - Jan. 2 - Haus Lebenskunst (Berlin)

Playing with Sattva is an invitation for empowered discernment, when we attune ourselves to truly choose how we engage with each moment and what meaning we assign to it.

And there, may be magic. 

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Summer Harvest Overnight Play Temple
to Sep 22

Summer Harvest Overnight Play Temple

Summer Harvest invites you into a spacious container, with all the “usual” treats in addition to an overnight stay at a beautifully rustic setting, a quiet and picturesque location on the outskirts of Berlin (accessible by public transport), including Sauna in the evening and breakfast, integration and departure on Sunday morning.

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Shakti Spectrum Conscious Play Temple

Shakti Spectrum Conscious Play Temple

Conscious Play Temple is a body positive, s.x positive, k.nk and sp.rituality positive spase of permission.

SHAKTI SPECTRUM: The archetype of energy holds endless experssion and unfolds in abundant range once allowed, invited, honoured and celebrated. Join us to play with the principle of Shakti divorced from constructs of gender and body.

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Messy Magic Conscious Play Temple

Messy Magic Conscious Play Temple

MESSY MAGIC: Let's decolonize the sacred together! Our theme is an invitation to create with of-this-world extraordinary moments, fantastical, inexplicable, mystical and mysterious... while also staying grounded, grateful and unpretentious..

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Sassy & Sacred Conscious Play Temple

Sassy & Sacred Conscious Play Temple

Sassy & Sacred: Inspired by the concept of 'Spiritually Sassy', the Sassy & Sacred theme aims to bring into permission a light and joyously playful side of sacredness. Both can be true and alive in the same moment - a deep honoring and a cheeky, self aware sassiness.

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Bliss Body Conscious Play Temple

Bliss Body Conscious Play Temple

A Space of Permission

Conscious Play Temple is a journey container of potential and possibilities,

consensual connections and permission to play.

Choose your own experience, NO expectations.

Bliss Body

Thursday April 11th, at Haus Lebenskunst

DOORS OPEN: 15:00 ✨ CLOSE: 16:00

(strictly no admission after doors close)


What’s it all about?

The belief in every being's right to feel into and express pleasure, emotion, movement, curiosity, needs, fantasies, creativity, energy and presence.

The practice of a nondual approach, focused on whatever is present in a non-judgemental way: emotions, thoughts, expressions and all experience alike - are seen as belonging and welcome.

The stand for clear communication and consensual interactions.

The invitation to a transpersonal experience, shedding away perceptions & identities - may creatures be creatures and desires be desires.

You’re encouraged to take initiative and responsibility in your own experience.


About Bliss Body

In Vedic teachings, the Bliss Body is described as our most expanded form of consciousness, experiencing the realm that is above and beyond the physical or mental sense of separated self. 

We invite you towards awareness of this state of consciousness, where a being experiences its intrinsic connectivity to endless, abundant, ecstatic everythingness. 

I felt very safe, respected, and loved throughout the whole journey. I felt no pressure to do anything I didn’t feel an enthusiastic yes for.
I feel immensly grateful for the deep intimacy shared in the group and highly recommend this experience.
— 2023 Play Temple Participant

Who is it for?

The Play Temple is for conscious and self aware beings of all experiences, genders, bodies, (legal) ages, relationships, sexual preferences and spiritual paths. It’s an invitation to feel into your needs and desires, express them, and engage as much or as little as feels right in the moment.

Play Temple may NOT be for you if

you have not encountered or participated in any form of consent practice or communication, or if you have not engaged with any form of self inquiry, self awareness and conscious self observation.

Play Temple is not for you if you’re uncomfortable interacting with certain people based on your perception of their gender, age, or culture, or if you have a “physical type”.

Play temple may not be a suitable place for a date.


✨ Welcome & Agreements: permission, consent, and self responsibility

✨ Consent & Connection Rituals

✨ Free Flow: design your own experience

✨ Additional pop up invitations and offerings throughout the evening ✨


General Admission: 53€

We wish to keep this event both abundant and accessible!

✨ Optional “Abundance Contribution” open to folks who can and want to contribute more.

✨ Low income tickets available on request!

I was in love with the structure of the event - it read to me as being hosted by a group of beings who really knew what they were doing. It was smart. It was attentive!
— 2022 Play Temple Participant Source

Meet Your Host

Gili (they/them) has been hosting and facilitating conscious play spaces since 2018, in berlin since spring 2022 - with a focus on trauma awareness, consent education and conscious relating. As an aspirant of devotional Tantra, Gili’s aligned with an approach founded in love, presence, polarity, ritual and expansion. These practices are further informed by a Queer understanding of life, sexuality, and gender as abundant spectrums and a commitment to challenging power structures and paradigms which act to indoctrinate and dissociate body from spirit.

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Bliss Body Workshop

Bliss Body Workshop

What are your limits?

Do you have a clear sense of where YOU begin and end? Where others do?

On the eve of Easter Monday, you’re invited to join an exploration, experience and conscious practice journey between the worlds of Classical Tantra and Consent Culture.

The Invitation

Join a 2.5 hour session hosted by Mx. Gili including a workshop part and a guided experience part (about 70/30 ratio) drawing from practices of classical tantra and yoga traditions, consent education and modalities, insights and experiences from dozens of play spaces and intimate encounters.

The Potential

  • learn and experience the difference between limits and boundaries

  • feel and express different types of limits

  • gain practical tools and experience in noticing and expressing boundaries in different situations

  • receive an introduction to the subtle bodies and a concept of "bliss body" - the outermost "layer" of being

The Investment

  • TIME: 18:45: doors open | 19:00: doors close | 21:30 departure

  • MONEY: €22 (please reach out for reduced price options)

About Bliss Body

Known in the Yoga Philosophy in many forms, some of which refer to it as a subtle blissful plane where we siese from conceptualizing endings and beginning and realize the subtle connectivity of everythingness.

Other descriptions and references to Bliss Body include:

The bliss sheath is that which covers and causes the causal world and body of man. The three sheaths of intellect, mind, and life are the coverings of the astral universe and body of man. The matter sheath manifests as the physical universe and body of man.
— Paramahansa Yogananda, source: yogananda.com.au
In the vast majority of humans, the fifth sheath is totally underdeveloped. This is the anandamaya kosha, the subtlemost body which is experienced as ananda (spiritual bliss). Generally only saints, sages, and genuine mystics have done the inner work necessary to make ananda a living part of their daily experience, and most people are hardly even aware that this level of consciousness exists within themselves.
— yogainternational.com
the deepest layer of our being, representing our innate sense of joy, contentment, and fulfillment. It is the part of us that experiences happiness independent of external circumstances.
— Chat GPT

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Spring Equinox Temple Weekend
to Mar 24

Spring Equinox Temple Weekend

Spring Equinox Play Temple Weekend

An Inclusive Space of Permission to Explore Conscious, Playful & Consensual Connections

I felt very safe, respected and loved through the whole journey. I felt no pressure to do anything I didn’t feel an enthusiastic yes for. I feel immensely grateful for the deep intimacy shared in the group and highly recommend this experience
— 2022 Participant

What’s it all about?

✨ We believe in every being's right to feel into and express pleasure, emotion, movement, curiosity, needs, fantasies, creativity, energy and presence.

✨ We practice a nondual approach, focused on whatever is present in a non-judgemental way: emotions, thoughts, expressions and all experience alike - are seen as belonging and welcome.

✨ We stand for clear communication and consensual interactions.

✨ We encourage a transpersonal experience, shedding away perceptions & identities - may creatures be creatures and desires be desires.

✨ We invite you to take initiative and responsibility in your own experience.

Play Temple is a touch positive, body positive, sex positive space. Choose your own experience, NO expectations.

  • THURSDAY 21/3

    ✨ Arrival by 16:00

    ✨ Opening Ritual

    ✨ Community Agreements

    ✨ Creature Intimacy & Connection

    FRIDAY 22/3

    ✨ Cacao & Dance

    ✨ Consent & Shadow Deep Dive

    ✨ PlayTemple Rituals

    SATURDAY 23/3

    ✨ Transpersonal Kink

    ✨ Queering Tantra

    ✨ Expansive Eros Rituals

    SUNDAY 24/3

    ✨ Integration

    ✨ Closing Ritual

    ✨ Departure by 16:00

Who is it for

The Play Temple is for conscious and self aware beings of all experiences, genders, bodies, (legal) ages, relationships, sexual preferences and spiritual paths. It's an invitation to feel into your needs and desires, express them, and engage as much or as little as feels right in the moment.

You're invited to show up exactly how you want to - bringing yourself as you are letting that be ok! We ask that you make space for everyone else to show up as themselves too.

I’ve been reminded of our oneness and collective mind and body so hard, had several first times, and experienced healing in such a fun and simple way.
— Oct. 2023 participant

Play Temple is a nudity, sexuality, kink and spirituality positive space.

While no one is expected o asked to engage in any of these, we ask that you be open, aware and ready to witness as there will likely be elements of all of these things shared in Play Temple.

If you feel any of these may be challenging for you, you're welcome to reach out to us with questions or make a note on your sign up form.

Feeling challenged is also very welcome!

Pricing & Tickets

EARLY BIRD - 490€ - First 11 tickets (all gone)

REGULAR TICKET - 530€ - 12th ticket till 03/03

LATE BIRD - 580€ - from 04/03/24


✨ 3 Nights in a double/quad room with bathroom

✨ Vegan / Vegetarian meals

✨ Transportation from the S-bahn to the venue

✨ Everything on the scheduled program (private sessions not included)


** Sheets & towels not included: please bring your own or rent for 15 EUR

** Upgrade to a single room available at limited capacity, for 22 EUR per night

** LOW INCOME tickets are available - please contact us for details.


To join the event please fill out our sign up form fully, honestly, intentionally and thoughtfully.

Your responses will support us in inviting
a group which feels balanced and harmonious.

If you’re planning to join with another person -

we ask that everyone who wishes to participate fills out the form, to avoid delays in response.


✨ Your registration is conditioned with the payment of a non refundable deposit of 111€ 

✨ We will be responding to all sign ups within 7-10 days.

✨ If invited, you’ll be asked to then purchase your ticket.


Before January 31st: You will receive a refund minus 77€ 

Before March 3rd: You will receive a refund minus 111€ 

From March 4th onwards: No refunds

About the Organizer

Mx. Gili (they/them) is a pleasure activist and Temple Whore, called to hold trauma-informed spaces of permission, consent education and conscious relating. As an aspirant of devotional Tantra, Gili’s aligned with an approach founded in love, presence, polarity, ritual and expansion. These practices are further informed by a Queer understanding of life, sexuality, and gender as abundant spectrums and a commitment to challenging power structures and paradigms which act to indoctrinate and dissociate body from spirit. Drawing from training in a wide variety of body and energy work modalities, they offer an integrated practice of expressing, experiencing, and honouring the holistic body through intimacy, touch, communication, movement, trauma release, shadow work, pleasure, and play.

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Conscious Play Temple Weekend
to Jan 14

Conscious Play Temple Weekend

Conscious Play Temple Weekend

An Inclusive Space of Permission to Explore Conscious, Playful & Consensual Connections

I felt very safe, respected and loved through the whole journey. I felt no pressure to do anything I didn’t feel an enthusiastic yes for. I feel immensely grateful for the deep intimacy shared in the group and highly recommend this experience
— 2022 Participant

What’s it all about?

✨ We believe in every being's right to feel into and express pleasure, emotion, movement, curiosity, needs, fantasies, creativity, energy and presence.

✨ We practice a nondual approach, focused on whatever is present in a non-judgemental way: emotions, thoughts, expressions and all experience alike - are seen as belonging and welcome.

✨ We stand for clear communication and consensual interactions.

✨ We encourage a transpersonal experience, shedding away perceptions & identities - may creatures be creatures and desires be desires.

✨ We invite you to take initiative and responsibility in your own experience.

Play Temple is a touch positive, body positive, sex positive space. Choose your own experience, NO expectations.

  • THURSDAY 11/1

    ✨ Arrival by 16:00

    ✨ Opening Ritual

    ✨ Community Agreements

    ✨ Creature Intimacy & Connection

    FRIDAY 12/1

    ✨ Cacao & Dance

    ✨ Consent & Shadow Deep Dive

    ✨ PlayTemple Rituals

    SATURDAY 13/1

    ✨ Transpersonal Kink

    ✨ Queering Tantra

    ✨ Expansive Eros Rituals

    SUNDAY 14/1

    ✨ Integration

    ✨ Closing Ritual

    ✨ Departure by 15:00

☝️☝️ Click to display the program ☝️☝️

Who is it for

The Play Temple is for conscious and self aware beings of all experiences, genders, bodies, (legal) ages, relationships, sexual preferences and spiritual paths. It's an invitation to feel into your needs and desires, express them, and engage as much or as little as feels right in the moment.

You're invited to show up exactly how you want to - bringing yourself as you are letting that be ok! We ask that you make space for everyone else to show up as themselves too.

I’ve been reminded of our oneness and collective mind and body so hard, had several first times, and experienced healing in such a fun and simple way.
— Oct. 2023 participant

Play Temple is a nudity, sexuality, kink and spirituality positive space.

While no one is expected o asked to engage in any of these, we ask that you be open, aware and ready to witness as there will likely be elements of all of these things shared in Play Temple.

If you feel any of these may be challenging for you, you're welcome to reach out to us with questions or make a note on your sign up form.

Feeling challenged is also very welcome!

Pricing & Tickets

EARLY BIRD - 490€ - First 11 tickets (all out)

REGULAR TICKET - 530€ - 12th ticket till 22/12

LATE BIRD - 580€ - from 23/12/23


✨ 3 Nights in a double/quad room with bathroom

✨ Vegan / Vegetarian meals

✨ Transportation from the S-bahn to the venue

✨ Everything on the scheduled program (private sessions not included)


** Sheets & towels not included: please bring your own or rent for 15 EUR

** Upgrade to a single room available at limited capacity, for 22 EUR per night

** LOW INCOME tickets are available - please contact us for details.


To join the event please fill out our sign up form fully, honestly, intentionally and thoughtfully.

Your responses will support us in inviting
a group which feels balanced and harmonious.

If you’re planning to join with another person -

we ask that everyone who wishes to participate fills out the form, to avoid delays in response.


✨ Your registration is conditioned with the payment of a non refundable deposit of 111€ 

✨ We will be responding to all sign ups within 7-10 days.

✨ If invited, you’ll be asked to then purchase your ticket.


Before November 11th: You will receive a refund minus 77€ 

Before December 22nd: You will receive a refund minus 111€ 

From December 23rd onwards: No refunds

About the Organizer

Mx. Gili (they/them) is a pleasure activist and Temple Whore, called to hold trauma-informed spaces of permission, consent education and conscious relating. As an aspirant of devotional Tantra, Gili’s aligned with an approach founded in love, presence, polarity, ritual and expansion. These practices are further informed by a Queer understanding of life, sexuality, and gender as abundant spectrums and a commitment to challenging power structures and paradigms which act to indoctrinate and dissociate body from spirit. Drawing from training in a wide variety of body and energy work modalities, they offer an integrated practice of expressing, experiencing, and honouring the holistic body through intimacy, touch, communication, movement, trauma release, shadow work, pleasure, and play.

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Slow Sattva Conscious Play Temple

Slow Sattva Conscious Play Temple

A Space of Permission

Conscious Play Temple is a journey container of potential and possibilities,

consensual connections and permission to play.

Choose your own experience, NO expectations.

Slow Sattva

Thursday January 4th, at Haus Lebenskunst

DOORS OPEN: 15:00 ✨ CLOSE: 16:00

(strictly no admission after doors close)


Live Music by Kat Polar

What’s it all about?

The belief in every being's right to feel into and express pleasure, emotion, movement, curiosity, needs, fantasies, creativity, energy and presence.

The practice of a nondual approach, focused on whatever is present in a non-judgemental way: emotions, thoughts, expressions and all experience alike - are seen as belonging and welcome.

The stand for clear communication and consensual interactions.

The invitation to a transpersonal experience, shedding away perceptions & identities - may creatures be creatures and desires be desires.

You’re encouraged to take initiative and responsibility in your own experience.


About Slow Sattva Theme

Playing with Sattva is an invitation for empowered discernment, when we attune ourselves to truly choose how we engage with each moment and what meaning we assign to it. And there, may be magic. 

I felt very safe, respected, and loved throughout the whole journey. I felt no pressure to do anything I didn’t feel an enthusiastic yes for.
I feel immensly grateful for the deep intimacy shared in the group and highly recommend this experience.
— 2023 Play Temple Participant

Who is it for?

The Play Temple is for conscious and self aware beings of all experiences, genders, bodies, (legal) ages, relationships, sexual preferences and spiritual paths. It’s an invitation to feel into your needs and desires, express them, and engage as much or as little as feels right in the moment.

Play Temple may NOT be for you if

you have not encountered or participated in any form of consent practice or communication, or if you have not engaged with any form of self inquiry, self awareness and conscious self observation.

Play Temple is not for you if you’re uncomfortable interacting with certain people based on your perception of their gender, age, or culture, or if you have a “physical type”.

Play temple may not be a suitable place for a date.


✨ Welcome & Agreements: permission, consent, and self responsibility

✨ Consent & Connection Rituals

✨ Free Flow: design your own experience

✨ Additional pop up invitations and offerings throughout the evening ✨


General Admission: 53€

We wish to keep this event both abundant and accessible!

✨ Optional “Abundance Contribution” open to folks who can and want to contribute more.

✨ Low income tickets available on request!

I was in love with the structure of the event - it read to me as being hosted by a group of beings who really knew what they were doing. It was smart. It was attentive!
— 2022 Play Temple Participant Source

Meet Your Host

Gili (they/them) has been hosting and facilitating conscious play spaces since 2018, in berlin since spring 2022 - with a focus on trauma awareness, consent education and conscious relating. As an aspirant of devotional Tantra, Gili’s aligned with an approach founded in love, presence, polarity, ritual and expansion. These practices are further informed by a Queer understanding of life, sexuality, and gender as abundant spectrums and a commitment to challenging power structures and paradigms which act to indoctrinate and dissociate body from spirit.

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Sassy & Sacred Conscious Play Temple

Sassy & Sacred Conscious Play Temple

A Space of Permission

Conscious Play Temple is a journey container of potential and possibilities,

consensual connections and permission to play.

Choose your own experience, NO expectations.

Sassy & Sacred

Friday Dec. 15th, at Haus Lebenskunst

DOORS OPEN: 15:00 ✨ CLOSE: 16:00

(strictly no admission after doors close)


Live Music by Kat Polar


What’s Play Temple about?

✨ The belief in every being's right to feel into and express pleasure, emotion, movement, curiosity, needs, fantasies, creativity, energy and presence.

✨ The practice of a nondual approach, focused on whatever is present in a non-judgemental way: emotions, thoughts, expressions and all experience alike - are seen as belonging and welcome.

✨ The stand for clear communication and consensual interactions.

✨ The invitation to a transpersonal experience, shedding away perceptions & identities - may creatures be creatures and desires be desires.

You’re encouraged to take initiative and responsibility in your own experience.


About Sassy & Sacred Theme

As the days go shorter and shadows descend earlier, Sassy & Sacred aims to emphasize and evoke the lighter, brighter, curious and playful sides of our sass, connecting to playful innocence and sparkle-full juiciness…

I felt very safe, respected, and loved throughout the whole journey. I felt no pressure to do anything I didn’t feel an enthusiastic yes for.
I feel immensly grateful for the deep intimacy shared in the group and highly recommend this experience.
— 2023 Play Temple Participant

Who is it for?

The Play Temple is for conscious and self aware beings of all experiences, genders, bodies, (legal) ages, relationships, sexual preferences and spiritual paths. It’s an invitation to feel into your needs and desires, express them, and engage as much or as little as feels right in the moment.

Play Temple may NOT be for you if

you have not encountered or participated in any form of consent practice or communication, or if you have not engaged with any form of self inquiry, self awareness and conscious self observation.

Play Temple is not for you if you’re uncomfortable interacting with certain people based on your perception of their gender, age, or culture, or if you have a “physical type”.

Play temple may not be a suitable place for a date.


✨ Welcome & Agreements: permission, consent, and self responsibility

✨ Consent & Connection Rituals - approximately 2 hours

✨ Free Flow: design your own experience - approximately 3 hours

✨ Additional pop up invitations and offerings throughout the evening ✨


General Admission: 53€

We wish to keep this event both abundant and accessible!

✨ Optional “Abundance Contribution” open to folks who can and want to contribute more.

✨ Low income tickets available on request!

I was in love with the structure of the event - it read to me as being hosted by a group of beings who really knew what they were doing. It was smart. It was attentive!
— 2022 Play Temple Participant

Meet Your Host

Gili (they/them) has been hosting and facilitating conscious play spaces since 2018, in berlin since spring 2022 - with a focus on trauma awareness, consent education and conscious relating. As an aspirant of devotional Tantra, Gili’s aligned with an approach founded in love, presence, polarity, ritual and expansion. These practices are further informed by a Queer understanding of life, sexuality, and gender as abundant spectrums and a commitment to challenging power structures and paradigms which act to indoctrinate and dissociate body from spirit.

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